Thursday, 5 May 2011


Construction of  100mm blockwork storage area. The storage area was built ontop of a previously completed hardstand. The structure was built in 100mm dense concerte blocks using a 5:1 ratio of sand and cement mortar with feb addative. The strucutre was completed in accordance with method satement and risk assesments, however I was expected to set out the dimesions of the building including finished heights and openings. The structure is 10 courses high with a 2 openings (1 window and 1 door). It also has piers in every corner of the structure and is built in stretcher bond. The openings are set out to accomadate the pre bought windows are bridged with concrete lintels. the whole building was then render finished (scratch coat, second coat and tyrolene finish) the render mix contained 4:1:1 sand, cement and lime with a waterproofing addative. The walls were soaked with water before work commenced. Pva was also used with regards to the tyrolene finish. the structure was tied into the xisting structure using fir fix ties. The rails were attached using tapcon screws and an 18v cordless drill. The site was secured using heras fencing and lockable tools chest to minimse the risk of theft during and after work. safety notices were clearly displyed warning all persons of the dangers that may be face whilst entering the site.all materials that were considered hazardous (feb, lime and cement etc) were stored in a controlled dry space (COSHH) which was the clients existing unused garage. Any accidents were to be recorded in the company accident book. Acess was a problem onsite, this was reported to the forman and risk assessments and timescales to complete the job were amended. All emergency procedures were covered during the site induction. all waste was dispossed of in the relevant skips for recycling. once the work was completed all the areas effected were cleaned and reinstated if necessary, care was however taken to minmise any damge by protecting the work areas with sheeting. The job was then verbally agreed with the forman and customer as complete and to a good standard. All delivery notes were given to the forman.

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