Sunday 12 June 2011

Groundworks for a garage. PIC 9

This job was to set out the base of a garage in accordance with the technical drawings. The trenches were already dug to a depth of 1.8 m. We then had to pour the concrete for the footing. I established the finished height of the concret by measuring down from the existing dpc and transfered the height using lines and pegs. once the I set the levels using lines and pegs and poured the concerte to finish 900mm below the dpc of the existing building this allowed me to build four (900mm) courses to bring the blockwork inline with the dpc on the house. I setout the blockwork using string lines and ensured the building was square using 5-4-3 method of calculating 90 degrees.To make sure the blockwork was running through level I transfered the levels via a stright edge (spot leveling) The wall was built incorporating a cavity. The cavity was then backfilled with a semi dry lean mix of sand and cement. Wall ties were used on every course at 900mm intervals. The easterly elevation of the structure was built using red engineering brick as per the technical drawings. The blocks used were 100mm dense concrete blocks and were laid in 5:1 sand and cement mortar with feb additive.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Sheffield tudor sqaure. Bin store base (underground works) PIC 8

A base for a binstore in sheffiled that wont be seen as its finished height is below ground level. The wall itself had three elevations of which all three of them were built in 100mm dense concrete block, however two of the elevations had verangular returns built in red engineering brick. The blockwork was laid on flat (215mm) and bedded in sand and cement mortar with feb addative.(5:1). The height of the wall specified was 4 courses of blockwork (100mm) I then incorporated a rowlock bond with regards to the brickwork to ensure the bedheights would work once tied into the blockwork. I did raise concrens to the fact that the bsae itself was being built with an opening which was specified in the drawing, because in my opnion the backfilling and concrete pour would of been made very difficult by building in this fashion. after a discussion with the clerk of the works I was informed it was being built this way for a specific reason. The jointing was flush finished. All works were completed in accordance with the technical drawings and engineers markings. the wall was passed off and took 1 day to complete. All waste was cleared and recylcled in the relevant skips.